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Challenges abound in the field of education. Educators are often faced with projects or needs that they don’t have the time, resources, or experiences to address. At times like these, the ConnectEd Learning Community can help. Drawing upon a network of expert practicioners, ConnectEd Learning Community consulting services exist to further our mission to be a supportive place for educators to grow as individuals, as organizations, and as a community of professionals – with the ultimate goal of helping students to thrive.

Whether you need an on-site consultant, an extra set of remote hands on a project, or a customized solution for your needs, we can help. Our intake team will respond to your inquiry, listen to your needs, and craft a proposal to review and revise together.

How can we support your work?

Here are a few examples of how we can help:

As a school district executive leader, I need to achieve a goal established by the Board of Trustees.

Consultation could include: establishing metrics, working across departments to build action plans and ensure ownership, building timelines and reporting responsibility.

As a departmental executive leader, I need temporary support for an open position or mentoring for a newly hired leader.

Consulting could include: temporary support for open positions such as core content leader or instructional technology leadership (remote or onsite), mentoring of newly hired leaders in central office role.

As a district thought leader, I need support as I lead my school community’s efforts to leverage and navigate generative AI technology.

Consulting could include: working with campus leaders, teachers, central office leaders, community members and/or Trustees as they develop knowledge of the new technology and prepare students for the futures which will include AI literacy.

As a campus leader, I need support with strategic planning and/or professional learning within my campus. 

Consulting could include: alignment of campus instructional practices, strengthening lesson planning, campus leadership team collaboration and visioning.

As a central office leader, I need support for a specific initiative/event or temporary support for an open position. 

Consulting could include: crafting new teacher mentoring programs, revising report card/assessment practices, updating gifted and talented programming/identification resources, planning for district-wide professional learning events, aligning MTSS/RTI practices across the district, supporting hybrid/virtual education planning, preparing for a comprehensive launch of Professional Learning Communities (PLCs), support for roles that are either vacant or not budgeted (i.e. dyslexia leadership, curriculum writer, instructional technology leadership, core content leader, etc…).

As a curriculum department staff member, I am working on a particular practice.

Consulting could include: bolstering an early literacy practice/program, developing curriculum resources (including corresponding professional development) for teachers, implementing blended learning models across content areas and supporting the accompanying necessary professional learning for implementation, writing curriculum for a newly offered course or updated state/national standards.

As a vendor who sells to educators, I need to better understand the education context.

Consulting could include: preview/edit of marketing materials, overview of school district organizational chart/role descriptions, strategic considerations for maximizing influence, thought partnership for pitches and presentations to school leaders.